The legal term for killing another person is “homicide”; however, not every homicide leads to the same criminal charges
against the defendant.
Manslaughter is a legal term that refers to the killing of another individual without
forethought or premeditation. In Nevada, manslaughter is broken into two
categories: voluntary and involuntary.
Voluntary manslaughter refers to killing another person in the "heat
of passion." This crime refers to killing someone as a result of
a sudden, violent impulse in response to being intensely provoked.
Involuntary manslaughter refers to killing another person unintentionally due to criminally negligent
conduct or through the commission of a crime. In many situations, this
type of killing is accidental, but caused by the defendant’s recklessness
and/or disregard for human life.
In general, the three elements required for conviction of involuntary manslaughter
include the following:
- An individual is killed due to the actions of the defendant.
- The defendant’s actions were criminally negligent or from an unlawful
act that is a misdemeanor or a low-level felony.
- The defendant knew or should have known that their actions were putting
the lives of others at risk.
"Criminal Negligence"
The level of negligence required for involuntary manslaughter is higher
than typical civil negligence and requires that the defendant acted in
a highly unreasonable manner, also known as “criminal negligence.”
Criminal negligence refers to grossly negligent behavior that demonstrates
a reckless disregard for human life. In order to determine whether an
action demonstrates this reckless disregard, the court will ask whether
a reasonable person should know that lives would be endangered due to
the conduct.
Common examples of criminal negligence include drunk driving, driving at
high speeds through an area known to have many pedestrians, or storing
dangerous materials such as weapons and explosives.
Because involuntary manslaughter is defined as killing another person through
an unlawful act, it is charged as a crime. By definition, involuntary
manslaughter involves either criminal negligence or the commission of
an actual crime, which means the defendant will be charged with a crime
even if he or she did not intend to kill another person.
In Nevada, involuntary manslaughter is a category D felony that is punishable
by a maximum prison sentence of four years and a fine of up to $5,000.
If you have been arrested for involuntary manslaughter in Nevada,
schedule a free consultation with our
Reno criminal defense lawyer at the
Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover today.